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 Học bổng chính phủ Hàn Quốc tại đại học Hanyang

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Tổng số bài gửi : 412
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Join date : 07/03/2010
Đến từ : Gia Kiệm thân yêu

Học bổng chính phủ Hàn Quốc tại đại học Hanyang Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Học bổng chính phủ Hàn Quốc tại đại học Hanyang   Học bổng chính phủ Hàn Quốc tại đại học Hanyang I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 7:47 pm

Học bổng chính phủ Hàn Quốc tại đại học Hanyang
Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students

Hanyang university is recruiting international students from the following countries for the Korean Government Scholarship Program for graduate students.

Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Laos, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Chinese Taipei, Dominica, Rwanda, Mexico, Morocco, Brunei, Senegal, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Angola, Ecuador, Jordan, Ukraine, Kenya, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Tunisia, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Hungary, Yemen, Guinea, South Africa, Nicaragua, Germany, Democratic Republic of Timor- Leste, Liberia, Romania, Mali, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Slovakia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Haiti, Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Honduras, Uganda, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Zambia, Chile, Cameroon, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Croatia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia

1. Scholarship Payment
1) Airfare (round-trip economy class)
2) Monthly Allowance 900,000 won per month
3) Research Allowance 210,000 won for students in human and social sciences; 240,000 won for students in natural and mechanic sciences per semester
4) Relocation (Settlement) Allowance: 200,000 won upon arrival
5) Language Training Fee: The full costs up to 1 year
6) Tuitions: Full tuition is paid by NIIED.
7) Dissertation Printing Costs: 500,000 ~ 800,000 won for the costs related to a printing dissertation
Cool Medical Insurance: 15,000 won per month (limited insurance coverage) will be provided to the university for students.
9) Special fund for students proficient in Korean language (TOPIK level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (Commencing from the main program)

2. Scholarship Offering Institution
National Institute for International Education Development, Korea (NIIED) * Applicants who are not selected by the NIIED will go through a screening process by Hanyang University.

3. Application Qualifications
1) Both applicant and his/her parents must be citizens of the foreign country.
2) Should have a grade point average (G.P.A.) 80% or higher from the previous attended institution
3) Applicants who are enrolling or have already enrolled in the same academic program in Korea as the one they are applying for will not be admitted.

4. Duration of KGSP
1) Master’s : 3 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2013) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs. of Master’s
2) Doctoral : 4 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2014) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral
3) Integrated Master’s & Doctoral : 5 yrs. (01.09.2010 ~ 31.08.2015) - 1 yr. of Korean language + 4 yrs. of Integrated Master’s & Doctoral

5. Application Procedure
1) Online Application
- Applicants must apply online. (
- Application Period: April 19 - April 26, 2010
- Online payment must be made after submitting the application in order to print the application form.
- Applicants who send their ID and password to before online payment may pay 8,000 won for the application.
2) Document Submission
Office of International Cooperation, Hanyang University
17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Republic of Korea
< Tel> 82-2-2220-0046~7 82-2-2281-1784
- Coordinator: Jin Hur (
- Deadline of Submission: May 10, 2010

6. Selection Schedule
- Result notice : by July 10, 2010 on our website (

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